Sunday, November 11, 2018

Living Well: How to Lose Weight Without Fad Dieting

The most up-to-date news in weight loss success. is beginning to change one's lifestyle. Are you tired of watching your calories, just to be disappointed each time you weigh in?

Maybe you spend hours weekly training at the gym. Despite using the most vigorous routines, you continue to are not able to lose the unwanted pounds.

Despite the fact that one in four people give dieting a try, the history for successful weight loss through dieting alone is extremely poor. Exercising will simply get you to lead a proper life Many studies have been done showcasing how a modification of lifestyle is the greatest plan of action for people looking to shed pounds. The majority of people who make changes to their lifestyle lose over 60 pounds - and even more importantly, they keep it off. Need to know how you can succeed? Do this:

1. Eating responsibly. Calories are not bad. If you eat more calories than you eliminate, your weight will go up. Every time a healthy lifestyle is followed which include lean and nutritious food option, there is no necessity for calorie counting. Choose cereals and lean protein sources eat sensible portions and eat plenty of fresh produce.

2. The correct exercise. Sometimes, all it requires is one hour of walking to shed weight. That may be what is needed. They don't need gyms, equipment, or even the pain of way too many reps. No, those are certainly not required. All it requires is a consistent routine.

C. Surrounding yourself using the right people.

When the people surrounding you support your effort, you are going to lose the extra weight. Yet, if your spent more hours with individuals who consume unhealthy foods and who care less concerning their health, you effort will never bear fruits.

4. Getting Enough Rest. Insulin enables you to control appetite. Those that will not get enough sleep do not possess adequate insulin production. That's why you'll make poor food choices if you are tired. Insulin carries a direct connection to your metabolism and the level of energy you will need to expand.

5. Document your progress. Journalizing whatever you do is the ideal weight loss tool recommended by scientists. Monitoring your time and efforts and progress by recording just how much you exercised, what you've eaten, and what your results are will help you facilitate your ongoing success. Documenting your whole process helps offer you an understanding whether the things you do are operating or perhaps not and in case adjustments need to be made. This journal can help you pinpoint trouble spots, including snacking and eating on the weekends when you hang with those who are not quite as driven. It really is suggested that individuals lose approximately two times as many pounds when keeping a fat loss journal. Let your journal function as a daily reminder of the things that for you to do and where you would like to be down the road.

In relation to weight reduction, making certain changes in lifestyle will enable you to be a little more successful furthermore, you are setting yourself on the path that will assist you to keep healthy later on. Considering the amount you must gain, it's a terrific persistence for making a healthier choice. There's never been an improved time to get serious with weight reduction: The road to success is clearly signposts and possesses just one single route, improve your lifestyle and discover the pounds burn away.

Living Invisible

The story I'm about to share with you is a true one. Many men and women from all over the world suffer excruciating hurt, pain, and deep embarrassment due to being overweight. Being overweight is nothing to laugh at. In many cases people develop deep resentment towards life and fall into an unfathomable depression. The reason how I know such things is due to me being overweight myself at one time for over two years. It was by far one of the most painful and lonely periods of my life.

Back in 2003 I had ballooned up to about 310 lbs and looked like a prized pig at the county fair. This was not one of my better periods in my life. I was so overweight that people ignored me everywhere I went. It was like I was invisible. People treated me like I had contracted a deadly disease. I felt alone and just wanted to die. I did not know that people could be so harsh and cruel.

It had gotten to the point that I dreaded seeing my reflection in the mirror and soon took all mirrors down in my home. I did not want to be reminded of how I looked. It was much easier to deal with the pain by doing so. After a while, even my so-called friends stop wanting to be around me. Instead of finding comforting words from people I knew, all I got was fat jokes and peoples voice mails. I was invisible. No one could see me. It was awful. I would not wish this on my worse enemy.

Many people have experienced the same things that I have experienced and are still suffering from the agony that obesity can cause. Some people never recover from the mental mutilation they suffered and end up taking their life. For many, living is not an option.

After several years I turned my sights on doing something about my obesity. I knew that if I did not do something about this disorder that I would no longer want to live. I always wondered how someone could take their own life voluntarily. After experiencing what I experienced back in 2003-2004 I understood without any doubt how someone could take their own life. The pain and misery I suffered was almost unbearable.

I began to learn about eating properly and dieting. I wanted more than anything to get my old life back and to help others that were suffering from the same disorder I was suffering from. I did not want anyone to have to endure the same pain that I endured. No one deserves to be ignored and shunned their entire life. I am a witness that if you truly want to live again that it is possible. Don't let another day pass you by without trying to end the pain and misery you are now experiencing. Nothing is worth more than your happiness and peace of mind.

Life After Weight Loss Surgery - A Post Op Patient's Perspective

My name is Art, and I am weight loss surgery patient. At the age of 33 years old I finally decided that I was going to take matters into my own hands, and take what some may say is a drastic step into taking my life back into my own hands. On July 21, 2015, I weighed in at 342lbs, and I had my vertical sleeve gastrectomy procedure done. It has been one of the best decisions I have made, but I was ready for it, and willing to commit to everything I would be subject to afterwards. It is no cake walk, and it is definitely not the "easy" way out which I am sure you hear all the time if you have been floating the idea around to family and friends. I knew it was time for me to take the leap, but how do you know? I would like to give my opinion on the subject since I have now been on both sides of the fence.

So, there are a lot of things to consider when thinking about this surgery. Some of them I wouldn't have even thought of before hand, but got smacked in the face when confronted with the reality of the situation. I am going to list my 3 main issues I dealt with and still seem to be dealing with.

First, head hunger. Head hunger is around all the time, and I have quickly found out that it rears its ugly head when I am bored or emotional. I know for a fact that I am not hungry, but for some reason I get that urge to just stuff something in my mouth. Gum has been a huge help with this; although, you may hear that chewing gum is bad after surgery because it can fill your pouch (tiny stomach) with air causing you feel uncomfortable. I never have an issue with this, and if you seem to find yourself eating more at stressful or boring moments, you may find yourself becoming a gum-chewing freak like myself.

Second, adjusting to social life. It seems like everything we do in social situations revolves around food! You can't escape it. You can't stay inside for the rest of your life post-op trying to avoid it and neglecting your friends and family. You just have to learn to deal with it, and make the best out of it. Your friends will give you looks, they will make fun of you when you order off the kid's menu, and they will be amazed at how little you eat compared to them. Most of the time, it is all done in jest, but if you have someone seriously harping on you, just brush them off. This is a decision you must make for your own health. Don't let them deter you if you have decided to go through with a procedure.

Third, eating too damn fast. I have always ate in a rush. Most of the time I used to eat standing up in the kitchen right after I cooked. I think it is just a bad habit I kept from when I was a kid. I would eat, and I would get the hell out to go play. It is a painful mistake when you eat too fast and over eat after surgery. It is quite possibly one of the most painful and uncomfortable feelings I have had. The first time it happened I thought something was wrong, and I was going to go to ER, but it seems to be a common issue in the community. You will quickly learn to slow down and chew thoroughly just to avoid the pain. I still fall in to the trap every now and then, but it is getting better.

Some of these things you may have heard about already, if not, I am glad I was able to shed a little light on some of the issues. I would rather know about known issues than hear nothing but rainbows and butterflies. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

Below is my blog link, and you can reach me through the contact page.

Check out this Weight Loss Calculator. It is a great way to get results that will allow you to set your pace and get you past your goal line. We all need some guidance, and this is a simple tool that can provide that quickly.

Let's Chew The Fat A Bit Shall We?

Fat... just what the heck good is it anyway? Well, there's lots of good about it actually. Some fats are actually so good that you need them in your diet (think Omega-3 fats!) So, let's get a run-down on what is so good about this macronutrient.

The body needs fat as an energy source. In fact, when you are at rest 60% of your energy comes from fat. Fat is full of energy and it has 9 kilocalories per gram stored in its molecules just waiting to be tapped. This is especially important for nursing babies since their stomachs can't hold as much, they need to get a diet rich in fats from Mother's milk.

Fat also acts as an energy reserve. Your body stores fat (I know, most people don't like that aspect of fat) for use as energy during periods of caloric deficit. MOST of the body's energy comes from carbohydrates but fat is also an important and efficient energy supplier. So if our body's preferred energy is from carbs why don't we just store those for energy? Well, we do store some carbohydrate (in the form of glycogen) but that only supplies 4 kilocalories per gram. It would take 6 pounds of glycogen to store the same amount of energy as fat does... can you imagine how bulky we would be if we stored glycogen instead? No thanks!

Oh how safely our organs are protected. Yes, fat supplies a protective layer of adipose tissue (fat tissue---but adipose sounds less harsh) protecting them from harm. The fat just under our skin (called subcutaneous fat if you want to impress your friends) serves to insulate us from cold temperatures. Oh, and how about this for a freaky fat fact-the brain is 60% fat! I wonder if this is where the term "fat head" came from?

So, you know how your body needs vitamins right? Well, your body wouldn't be able to use vitamins A, D, E or K if it wasn't for fat. These vitamins are known as fat-soluble and that means that it needs fat in order to be carried through the body where it's needed. The body can also absorb more nutrient goodness like the lycopene from tomatoes if fat is present. Go Team Adipose!

How about the smell of a steak cooking on the grill? Mmmm Mmmm! Those flavour chemicals dissolve in fat and heating sends that wonderful aroma into the air! Oh, and one more thing, fat makes you feel full longer so you're not always hungry.

Now that we know we need fat (really bad things happen when you get too little) just how much do we need? Fats should make up 20-35% of your caloric intake. For instance, if you are on a 2000 calorie per day diet your body needs between 400-700 calories (or 44-78 grams) of fat. This range is so generous that no matter what your health goals are, you can fit in the proper amount of fat. Carbohydrates should make up 45-65% and protein 10-35%

Before you run to the cupboard looking for all your fatty foods, I want you to just hold on a second. You want to do this right. You want to get in the best fats and stay clear of the not so good fats. Avoid like the plague trans-fats. While very little can be found in natural food sources, this is pretty much a man-made fat and can be found in a lot of prepackaged and processed foods. Trans fats help extend shelf life and other benefits to the company making them but no benefit to your body so stay clear. Cut down on saturated fats making them no more than 10% of your calories. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature so should be easy to spot but read the labels on the food you buy. Here's a little nerdy fact to help you out here. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature because they are saturated (hence the name) with hydrogen atoms. Therefore you want to be aware of anything that has the words "hydrogenated" on the label.

For the most part you want to eat mostly unsaturated fats-the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated types. These two have been shown to have a positive effect on health. Just to talk a bit about polyunsaturated fats, one of the more well-known of these fats is the Omega-3. Omega-3 fat and Omega-6 fats are known as essential fats which simply means your body can't make these so you have to eat them in order to use them. In the body, Omega-3's helps dilate blood vessels, discourage blood clotting and reduce inflammation among other good things. Omega-6, while still needed, has the opposite effect on the body. For this reason, you want to increase you intake of Omega-3 sources of fat.

Omega-6 fats are found in vegetable oils like corn oil, sunflower and safflower oil so you'll see a lot of that in baked goods (read food labels to be sure) The North American diet typically consumes far too much of this type of fat (remember, Omega-6 can constrict blood vessels and CAUSE inflammation) so a really good plan is to consume more Omega-3 fats in a good Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio. Science would tell us that a ratio of 6:1 or less has been shown to have a positive effect on health and even a lower ratio is better.

How do you get more Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats into your diet? Some good sources include Omega-3 enriched eggs, many nuts and seeds such as walnuts and flaxseeds as well as cold water fish such as sardines, salmon, tuna, lobster and the like. Adding these foods will improve the ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 intake. I only wanted to highlight these two because on a food label you will see the amount of polyunsaturated fats in the food but since not all unsaturated fats are created equal, you'll want to dig deeper by reading the ingredient list on the label as well.

Monounsaturated fats can reduce blood cholesterol and lower your risk of heart disease. Good sources are olive oil, canola oil, avocados and peanut butter (which is good news for me 'cause I love me some peanut butter!)

Phew, that was a lot to take in huh? Well, here's the summary:

*You need fat so eat it!

*Avoid (I believe I said like the plague) trans-fat and limit saturated

*Eat healthy sources of fat from nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocados and fish

*To limit trans and saturated fats, read your food labels!

Leg Workouts for Women

Would you like to learn some leg workouts for women? Circuit training workouts are the best way to get a great workout in the shortest amount of time possible. In today's post I go over circuit training leg workouts for women. So if you would like a great leg workout read on...

One thing that women have to get over is being afraid of bulking up. Almost every woman I talk to avoids leg workouts with heavy weights because she thinks she'll get bigger legs. I have tried bulking my legs for years, and I can tell you even though I'm a man, it is not as easy as it sounds. It takes a lot of time, calories, and specific hypertrophy training. Don't worry about developing tree trunks for legs because that won't happen!

Something that you can do to avoid bulking up your legs is to not have a calorie surplus. A calorie surplus is when you're taking in more calories than you are burning. This does not mean starving yourself because it is important to build lean muscle in order to accomplish your goals of being toned. Also, your RMR (resting metabolic rate) will slow down if you starve yourself. This can create a calories surplus even when you're hardly eating anything at all. That being said, make sure you are not pigging out and overeating too much as well.

A great solution to the problem of bulky legs that any marathon runner will tell you is long distance running. Different distance running styles are great leg workouts for women. Running will help break up muscle tissue and will help big time with having lean legs. Short distance running on the other hand, such as sprints, can definitely add bulk to your legs. Compare a marathon runner's legs to a sprinter's legs and you'll see that the marathon runner has much thinner legs.

So now without and further ado, here is the workout:

Perform all exercises back to back in a circuit. After completing all exercises in the circuit take a 90 second break, and then start your next set. Perform 4-5 sets of the workout for a great leg workout.

Circuit Training Workout - Leg Workouts for Women

1. Sumo squats... 8
2. Bulgarian Split Squats... 10 each
3. Kettlebell Swings... 20
4. Jump Squats... 20
5. Donkey Kicks... 12 each
6. Single Leg Bridges... 15 each